Are Potential Customers Noticing Your Storefront Signage?


Your storefront signage is a major aspect of your everyday advertising, not to mention helping people find your business. Storefront signage can help your business get noticed and stand out, especially if your store is located in an area with many other businesses and there’s a lot of competition.

However, there’s a difference between getting noticed and appealing to customers and having customers notice you but also be confused about what you offer. Are potential customers actually noticing your storefront signage? Here’s how you can get noticed in the best way.

Make Your Message Instantly Clear

Whether you have storefront signage advertising your business name or a promotion, don’t make your signage too wordy. People won’t stick around to read a sign that contains a lot of text, even if they do notice it.

Keep your message clear and simple when getting customers to notice your storefront signage. Remember, you aren’t necessarily trying to convince them to buy something with your signage. You’re simply capturing their attention and encouraging them to come into your store.

Grab Attention With Smart Colors and Lighting

Choosing the right combination of colors and lighting can really make your signage stand out. You can also consider using graphics to grab the attention of your potential customers.

Lighting for your signage doesn’t have to be used just at night. Daytime lighting can also make sense as long as it’s enhancing your signage instead of taking away from its message and distracting potential customers.

Picking the right colors that go well together and support your sign’s readability—as well as match your branding—can also help attract customers.

Ensure Proper Lettering Size and Placement

Customers won’t notice your signage if they can’t read it, whether because the sign’s placement is awkward or because the actual lettering on the sign is too small.

Ensuring the proper lettering size—which is about an inch for every 10 feet your customer is from the sign—as well as a smart placement for the sign can ensure your customers can both see and read the sign, whether from the roadway or when walking by your store.

When combined with the proper colors, lighting, and graphics, the lettering size and placement of your sign can get your store the right attention and even help improve your sales.

Get Noticed With Attractive Signage

Your sign doesn’t have to be expensive or intricate to draw in customers. You can get noticed with simple and effective signage that’s professionally designed and placed. Find out more about our signage options for your storefront by contacting Legendary Custom Signs & Graphics today at (571) 982-8572.

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