Tips for Making Your Strip Mall Signage Stand Out, Vibrant and Attract Customers

 Storefront signage

When your business is located in a strip mall, you often have to be creative to get your signage to stand out and have people take notice of you. Whether there are a few shops in the mall or dozens, it’s essential that customers are able to find you, and your signage plays a large role in that. The following are some of the best tips for making your strip mall signage stand out, be vibrant, and attract customers for a successful business.

Assess the Competition

You want your signage to stand out when your business is located in a strip mall, so in order to make signage that’s unique, you have to know what’s already out there. Evaluating the signage of your neighbors as well as any businesses you may be in competition with can help you get a sense for what’s most effective, what you like, and what you feel would best align with your branding. You can look at signage in your existing strip mall or travel to see other strip malls in your area. Don’t forget to take a few photos of signs you like!

Make Text Clear

The design of your sign needs to be eye-catching, but it’ll be difficult for your business to stand out if the text isn’t legible. The font should be the right size and be easy to read, especially since customers may have a difficult time seeing your business name along with all the other businesses you’re next to. By using clear, legible, appropriately-sized text, you can improve your brand visibility while attracting more customers and ultimately boosting sales.

Use the Right Colors

Part of making your text clear and your sign attractive is using the right colors. While you want your colors to align with your branding, you also want to make your sign different from the other signs in the vicinity. Using vibrant yet tasteful colors will help your sign be attractive and easy to see and read. Using two contrasting colors, such as a bright and a dark color, can be an effective strategy. You can also use a gradient effect with color to give your sign a more unique, sophisticated look.

Lighting & Graphics Are Your Friends

Proper lighting will ensure your sign can be seen no matter what time of day it is to increase your brand awareness and visibility. You can also use graphics for your signage. Graphics empower you to showcase your business personality, help people identify you faster, and create familiarity with customers. However, remember that when implementing graphics and lighting, less can be more, as you don’t want to overwhelm customers by having too many design elements in your sign. Remember, the goal is to make it easy for people to identify you quickly!

We’re Here to Help!

Our team at Legendary Custom Signs & Graphics works with businesses to create signage that’s cohesive, durable, and makes a lasting impression. If your business is located in a strip mall and you’re worried about standing out, contact us to help you create the most beneficial design and presentation for your signage. Call us at (571) 982-8572 to request a consultation!

Source - Tips for Making Your Strip Mall Signage Stand Out, Vibrant and Attract Customers


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